He is Always There

I just got back from Texas where I got to baptize two of our grandsons. What a blessing! They both received Christ this Summer and wanted their “pappy” to baptize them.

Ben is eleven and Timothy is fourteen. Over the past two weeks I have been reading and reflecting on what it means to truly trust the Lord.

I am sure that both our grandsons will have to learn as they grow up what it means to truly trust in the Lord. Trust grows out of a deep awareness of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ.

Despite all of our weaknesses, sins, doubts, fears and struggles, when we can receive God’s love in Christ, then we can truly put our trust in Him.

I have learned this over many years. It has not always been easy! But what I have learned is that God is faithful even when I was not faithful.

He was always there to “pick me up” when I failed. He was there loving me even when I had very little sense of his presence.

When I did trust him, he was there to “straighten” or “smooth” out my paths. The call to follow Jesus is a call to go the way of the “narrow path”.

It is narrow because there is only one way and that is the way of Jesus. It is a way of surrender to our own “understanding” and embracing the teachings and practices of Jesus.

The good news is that this is the way to life!


Pastor Fred


A New Movement of the Spirit


Looking Back