A New Movement of the Spirit
Last Sunday I gave a message on this verse in Hosea. I believe it is very timely for what we are facing in our land. The body of Christ in America needs renewal and revitalization.
It is happening, but it needs to increase if Christians are going to have a vital role in this land. There are literally thousands of churches in America that need a “spiritual groundbreaking”
The “Jesus movement” of the sixties and seventies was a good example of renewal and revitalization. It fit the cultural situation at that time.
Now is the time for a new movement of the Spirit. At the root of any “Jesus movement” is a radical call to discipleship.
Radical in the sense that we are called back to the roots of what Jesus taught and lived out. His message was rooted in the Old Testament spirit of the prophets.
Just as in the days of the Bible, God’s people embraced cultural values that led them away from the heart of what God has revealed in His Word.
Today, we need courageous followers of Christ that will say “no” to the pressures of a culture that would like to mold us into their image.
This type of courage will have to be exhibited in a new lifestyle. It will mean getting untethered from technology and rejecting a lifestyle of consumerism.
No, I am not saying that we totally reject technology and become Amish. We cannot stop being consumers. But we can resist letting it control our lives.
What I am saying is that when we “break up” the ground of our hearts, it will lead to a change of values and lifestyle. For the Christian, it will mean a life centered on Jesus Christ.
Being with him, becoming more like him and doing the things that he did. This will lead to renewal and revitalization.
Pastor Fred