Being Whole
God wants to make us whole people. To be whole is to develop the character of Christ in us. Jesus does not only live in the believer, but he is there to develop our character into his character.
The only way this can happen is in the crucible of trials. I don’t like trials! I like comfort and ease. But I have come to the realization that trials are used by God to do something in me that I cannot do myself.
The pure joy of trials is not the trial itself, but the result. It is like practice in sports. It is the work of practice that makes me more able to be successful when I am in the game.
Let us face the reality that there are many things in life that we cannot control. One thing we can control is how we choose to respond to the unexpected.
If we can face the unexpected with joy and learn how to persevere, we will grow into wholeness and be more Christlike. Right now I am facing some trials.
Thank you Lord for these trials! They are being used to strengthen my faith and are helping me to persevere. What are you facing this week? Will you face them with joy?
Will you see that your response will influence how you will come out of these trials? We are not alone. Christ wants to be very present in our trials and to do his work in us.
Trust him, he knows what is best.
Pastor Fred