Rest in His Provision

I am reading through Isaiah the prophet for my morning scripture reading. This morning I read chapter 30 and this verse really stood out and spoke to me.

The historical context deals with Israel’s lack of trust in Yahweh and their turning to Egypt for help against the Assyrians.

This lack of trust would lead them into economic and spiritual compromise. God wants His people to turn to Him and rest in His provision.

I need to constantly hear His voice telling me to enter into rest. Rest does not necessarily mean absence of activity. It is activity with a keen sense of trust.

When I spend time in quiet and solitude, I am able to enter into that place of rest. Where are you in terms of entering into God’s rest?

In order to enter, we need to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives”! Sundays are a good time to learn quiet, rest and trust in our Lord.

Finding time each day for daily quiet time is also essential for building trust and rest. Notice that the first words of this verse is “repentance”.

We must turn and do what God is calling us to do. As the writer of Hebrews says, “make every effort to enter that rest” (Hebrews 4:11).

As we enter into God’s rest, we discover the peace and quietness of soul that can help to navigate us through this crazy world. Take God’s word to heart!

Pastor Fred


Celebrating Advent


Being Whole