The Beatitudes of Jesus

For the next two weeks we will be looking at the Beatitudes of Jesus in Matthew 5:1-10. I would encourage you to read them and reflect on the words of Jesus.

These words begin one of our Lord’s greatest teachings. The Beatitudes have been very special to me over the years.

I have put them to memory and often reflect on them when I am out in my daily walks or on the road.

I hope that I will be able to shed some light on the significance of these great words. I thought that this section of Scripture would be a good place to start off the New Year.

I want my life to reflect the presence of Jesus. My hope is that we can all resolve to grow in our spiritual formation this coming year.

An essential part of growing is sinking our roots deeper into the soil of God’s Word. We do that individually in daily Bible reading and study.

We do that together in community through small group Bible studies and on Sunday morning worship. Make a commitment this year to regular Bible reading.

I find early mornings the best for me. Do what suits best for you. But do it! Your will be blessed!

Pastor Fred


Blessed are the Meek


Merry Christmas