Staying Connected

Here is a Messianic promise for those who have survived the judgment of God which has been warned will come due to Israel’s unfaithfulness to Yahweh.

This post-exilic promise would eventually come in the person of Jesus Christ. He is the “true vine” or Branch of the Lord.

Those who abide in him will experience fruitfulness and ultimately the final inheritance of the kingdom of God. Many of the Old Testament promises have been pushed forward eschatologically beyond history.

We can be assured of their fulfillment, but it will only come at the end of this age. We can now enter into a very real element of this promise as we stay connected in Christ by abiding in him.

This is an essential element of discipleship. We stay “connected” to the Branch (Jesus) by practicing the disciplines of silence, solitude, meditating on God’s Word and prayer.

We also stay connected in community through worship and fellowship. As we grow in our connection to the Branch, our lives become more fruitful and beautiful.

A key element of abiding is surrendering to the Father’s work of pruning. As we allow Him to prune those areas that are not fruitful, then the areas of our lives that will produce fruit will grow.

It is essential that we make time to abide in Christ. There is no other way to grow spiritually than to spend quality time with Jesus.

For me, it has been a challenge to eliminate distractions and make sure I rise early (4:30-5:00 am) to start my day by abiding in him. The real hard part is staying connected as my day unfolds.

I have to constantly return to that inner quiet place wherever I am at in the day. But, it works! I sense the presence of God when I am connected!

What is the Spirit saying to you about abiding in Christ? Take time this week to so some inventory of your life and make being with Jesus your top priority!

Pastor Fred


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