The Resurrection
The Apostle Paul makes is really clear that everything we believe about Jesus Christ rests on the resurrection. The resurrection of Christ validates all that the New Testament claims about His person and work.
What we believe about the death of Christ has no significance if Jesus did not rise from the dead and ascend to heaven. His teachings make no sense in terms of the kingdom of God if he did not rise from the dead.
This is why the book of Acts is dominated with preaching on the risen Christ. If he has risen, then he alone stands at the center of history and eternity.
Our hope in a resurrection is secure because Jesus has risen! Because Jesus has risen and has sent the Holy Spirit, we can now experience the resurrected life of Christ in us.
It is this power that can transform our lives from darkness to light. Every person who genuinely encounters the living Christ is a witness to the reality of the resurrection.
This Sunday Christians will gather all around the globe to celebrate the risen Christ. He will be proclaimed in war torn parts of the world.
He will be proclaimed in parts of the world that are torn apart by injustice. He will be proclaimed in totalitarian countries. He will be proclaimed in areas of peace and prosperity.
Everywhere where he is proclaimed, God is moving to bring more people into His kingdom. Let us go into this Easter with joyful hearts and prayers for those who still have not met our risen Lord!
Pastor Fred