The Importance of Community
In my readings and reflections this past week, I was reminded of the importance of community. Whether we are rejoicing or mourning, God expresses his grace through others.
God provides His healing grace many times through other people. This is the power of the body of Christ, when her members are tuned into the Spirit.
Sometimes it is just the presence of another brother or sister in Christ that gives comfort. The power of prayer can help those who are hurting and God’s grace can be made real.
One of the “signs” that the Spirit is moving among us is the love of the body through genuine listening and prayer. You have probably heard or read the saying; “Let go and let God!”.
There is good truth in that saying. But sometimes letting go and letting God means holding on to a caring hand of a brother or sister in Christ.
It is trusting God that He will provide an empathetic or sympathetic person to help you through tough times. This should be a reminder that “showing up” for worship or fellowship
may be your God given opportunity to encourage someone. In our theological understanding of the church, we believe that Christ has given us an incarnational calling to be
His presence in our world. Let us embrace our calling and be the body of Christ!
Pastor Fred