The Effect of Righteousness

My readings in the morning include the book of Isaiah. The other morning I was in chapter 32 and this verse stood out. The effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence.

Through Christ we have a right standing with God. As we walk by faith and live out God’s righteousness, we have a sense of calm in our lives. We also have confidence.

The power of God’s Spirit is at work as we yield to God and walk in the way of Christ. When we observe the life of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels, we see someone who exhibited a real sense of quietness and confidence.

We can have that too as we follow Jesus. The external events and circumstances do not have to throw us off balance. We can face our “external” life from a place of internal strength.

There will always be problems that will challenge our inner quietness and confidence. As we abide in Christ and practice regular times of solitude and silence, we can face these problems and not get thrown sideways.

Just this morning I was faced with a “problem” that initially made me angry. I just came out of a good time of solitude and quiet. It helped me check myself and keep me from going down a unhealthy path.

Last Sunday morning I spoke on “being with Jesus” in times of quiet and solitude. I hope that if you are not currently practicing this discipline, that you will begin and see how it will give you a sense of “quietness and confidence”.


 Pastor Fred


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