Put Your Trust in God’s Word

Some of you might remember using Tomas Guides to get you around the area. GPS has made life so much easier.

In previous years I would have to pull over and strain to look at my Thomas Guide to find my destination. Now with GPS, I have a voice that guides me right to my destination.

If I make a wrong turn, the voice will re-route me to my destination. God’s word is our GPS from heaven. It instructs me towards my destination.

It points out when I make a wrong turn and corrects my steps to get back on the right path. It even trains me to travel better. We all need God’s instruction manual.

Paul says that all Scripture is “God-breathed”. It has a divine origin. We can put our trust in God’s word and it will not lead us astray.

It rebukes us when we make a wrong turn. Rebuke simply is pointing out our own errors. It goes beyond rebuke because God’s word also provides correction so that we can continue

to walk in the pathway of holiness. God’s word is our personal trainer. We all need to grow into Christlikeness. God’s word provides this training.

How is your walk today? Are you learning and growing? Are their places where God wants to point out your errors and bring correction?

His desire is that we stay on the pathway of discipleship. God’s word is essential to make this a reality!

Pastor Fred


Christ in Us is the Light


Clarity in What God Requires