Christ in Us is the Light
Last week’s message looked at the words of Jesus about salt and light. He told his disciples that they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
The Apostle Paul picks up this metaphor of light and says that the Philippian Christians are to shine like stars in the universe. Let us reflect on these words.
Christ in us is the light. His presence is able to bring light in a dark world. Our responsibility is to live in such a manner that His light is able to shine in and through us.
When we argue or complain, what the world sees is ourselves in a state of inner and outer conflict. There is enough of that going on in our world.
It should not happen among believers. We should be able to resolve conflicts and keep from foolish arguments. In my experience with local churches,
I have found more problems among people over relational issues than major doctrinal issues. This tells me that relationships is what is really important.
Correct doctrine is essential, but most of our issues are relational issues. When there is healthy harmony in the body of Christ, there is a light that gives hope.
Let us seek to be people of the Light!
Pastor Fred