Salt and Light

Salt and light. Salt is a preserving agent. Light illumines. The sources of both flow from God’s kingdom presence. We are simply the vessels that Gode wants to fill and disperse to our “decaying” and “dark” world.

Our “saltiness” must continually be maintained and our light needs to not be hidden. Jesus has chosen his followers to carry on his ministry to our world.

As we seek to do God’s will, we need to ask Him to fill us with His presence so that His purpose can be fulfilled in our world. We do this individually and together.

I need to look at each new day as an opportunity to be salt and light. When we meet intentionally for worship, prayer, fellowship or teaching, we need to see this as an opportunity to be salt and light.

Our praises and worship dispel the darkness. Our preaching and teaching are a means of shedding light on God’s truth. Our fellowship is an invitation into sharing our mutual friendship with Jesus.

Jesus is looking for willing “saltshakers” and “light-bearers”! What a privilege and purpose we have in sharing God’s kingdom with a world that is without peace and hope.

I pray that you will hear Jesus’ call and seek to become all that God wants you to be for his kingdom!

Pastor Fred


Being With the One


Enter into God’s Rest