Food For Our Souls
This question of Jesus came up in my quiet time this morning. I was doing some reading and reflection on the soul. It is not an easy word to wrap our minds around.
We hear people say, “That music really has soul!”. Or you might have gone out to eat and had really good “Soul food”. The soul is that inner person that inhabits the body.
The soul is energized by the spirit. There is both a conscious and unconscious aspect to our souls. Our souls seem to be closely rooted to the earth.
I have a soul connection to the area that I grew up in. I have both conscious and unconscious (dreams) thoughts about my connection to this part of the earth.
It is no wonder that some people want to be buried back where they grew up. It is a soul connection. One of the effects of conversion is a growing awareness of soul.
Many people live “externally” and are not conscious of soul. As a result, their soul is lost in the sense that they go through life unconscious of what real life is.
The striving to “gain the whole world” results in the “losing of one’s soul”. There is a deep disconnect to the source of all life, which is God.
When Jesus says that he is the “Bread of life” or the true manna that comes down from heaven, he is saying that he is the real soul food.
Our abiding in him keeps us connected to our souls and the life of God is able to nourish us and produce fruit that will last.
Are you feeding your soul! Are you becoming more conscious of who you really are in Christ? Make it your aim to “fix your eyes (soul) on Jesus” by seeking him out every day.
Pastor Fred