The Attributes of the Son of God

Wisdom, Power, Everlasting Fatherhood and Peace are attributes of the Son of God. All of this comes our way through revelation.

The light of the world has dawned and we are able to see. Once we were blind because of our sin.

The cross of Christ has abolished the power of sin and we are set free to walk in the light of God’s grace.

I need to take time each day to reflect on God’s grace in sending His Son into the world. Now that the Son of God indwells my earthly body,

I want him to live my life as if he were me! This is the role of Christian discipleship. To be with Jesus, be like Jesus and do the things that Jesus did.

This is how the light of God is carried on in the world. There are many “light-bearers” all around the world today. I pray that Jesus’ apprentices will take up the calling to be “light-bearers”.

This is the only hope for a world that is moving farther away from God. We can be those “light-bearers” here in our own community.

As I walk through our neighborhoods every morning, I am aware of how few people know Jesus Christ. My prayer is that we can be faithful witnesses to the ever present Jesus.

“Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done here in this part of your creation!” Amen.

Pastor Fred


The Humility of God


Celebrating Advent